Google Calendar - Trip Itinerary

Google Calendar - Trip Itinerary

Our Travel Map

Our Travel Map
A. Amsterdam; B. Hamburg; C. Berlin; D. Prague; E. Vienna; F. Venice; G. Rome/Vatican City; H. Monaco; I. Bordeaux; J. Paris; K. Brussels

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Goodbye, sweet Berlin!

Today we leave Berlin. We managed to get our stuff packed into our luggages, including the extra shoes. We decided to wear our new shoes. I was thinking that it might be a good idea to lose a few things along the way, things that I was sure I won’t need or can be replaced easily. One thing in mind was towels. So, we checked out, got a taxi and were on our way to Berlin Hauptbonhof.

We arrived there early, got our tickets for the train rides in Czech Republic. Then Lisa came because she wanted to spend the last few minutes to have breakfast and chat with us. She was so nice to go out of her way to do that. We had curry wurst, a German special food. It was pretty good. So good that we nearly missed our train. It was only about 5 minutes when we started to head down. Luckily, the train itself hadn’t arrived yet. When it did, we said our goodbyes to Lisa, boarded, take pictures of her from inside and of us by her from outside. And of we went, to Prague, Czech Republic. This would be the first city where it would be just us, two newly weds in a foreign city. This would be quite exciting!

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